Woman Is

by ZGS / Goethe Zentrum

Woman Is, is a project seeking to create a platform where working and non-working  Zimbabwean women are enabled to address challenges they face in their private and professional lives. These are challenges stemming from relationships with their partners, colleagues, in-laws and, how they affect the women’s physical, mental and social health.  

Using research and dialogue, the project aims to create safe spaces for women to articulate issues which affect them and enable them to establish support groups and networks for each other. The project aims to develop and produce creative work which may serve as instigators of dialogue within communities on issues which affect women.  Theatre performances will be used to propagate, in mainstream dialogue, the key issues which affect women towards meaningful and positive societal transformation.

Managed by Zaza Muchemwa, Woman Is, is a Vaviri Creative Project supported by Zimbabwe German Society. 

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