Pop Up Open Call

by ZGS / Goethe Zentrum

The Zimbabwe German Society/ Goethe Zentrum Harare (ZGS/GZH) is a language and culture center established in 1983 and based in Harare, Zimbabwe. In 1996 the Zimbabwe German Society joined the Goethe Institut and officially adopted the name: Zimbabwe German Society/

Goethe Zentrum Harare. The ZGS/GZH focuses on supporting the Creative and Cultural Industries through various ways, i.e. education, skills transfer, entertainment, and the teaching of languages.

In 2023, the ZGS/GZH is putting out a “Small Grants” open call for creatives within Zimbabwe. Creatives, Hubs, and Festivals across the board are invited to apply for up to €500 for projects whose focus is creating ways and systems to ensure the projects’ sustainability. We will look at projects that show a clear impact story and highlight the innovative systems they have implemented to develop this. The running theme for this year will be:

“Okungapheliyo: Endless strategy with purpose.”

If you are interested in applying please use the link below:

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc5HR8JsL7jrF2glzWS9If8NP2H4DyLPCKN2QGsZ wcCF-BgfA/viewform?usp=sf_link

We will only respond to successful projects.

Submission Deadline: 1800hrs 14 July 2023
*NB All planned projects should be completed by November 30, 2023

For more information please email pm@goetheharare.org

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