Please read, understand and accept our Terms & Conditions before booking for an exam.
1. Please note that online exam booking takes between 24 and 48hrs to approve.
2. Students to ensure that they have a stable internet connection.
3. Receipts are only valid 14 days from date of payment.
4. Send a clear proof of payment. If it is more than one send as a single PDF file or single image.
5. Individuals to enter correct emails and contact details for their bookings.
6. Students to only pay and book when they are ready to write.
7. There shall be no refunds on overpayments!
8. Please note the Paynow option is currently not available. All payments to be done at the bank and POP’s to be uploaded when registering.
9. Collection of results: Our exam processing time amounts to 10 Working Days starting with the day after your exam. You can collect your results on Tuesdays, 14.00 – 16.00hrs and Thursdays, 14.00 – 16.00hrs.
10. Exam preparation material is available to all candidates here and in our library.