Library News August 2020

by ZGS / Goethe Zentrum

Do you need any information with regards to:

 Supplementing your language lessons
 Grammar
 Lexicons
 Dictionaries
 German videos
 Blogs
 Webinars
 German Newspapers
 Exam preparations
 Studying in Germany
 Information on Social Year programme
 Information on being an Au-pair
Refer your queries to the Librarian on:


The best way to learn a language is through reading and listening:
The key to learning a language is through reading and listening as much as possible. In the coming weeks you can also consult our website under the Library for relevant links to German e-resources

Learning tips:

Text books: Rely on your textbooks as they are written by highly educated native speakers who use the best methods and exercises to help you learn. They will certainly help you to become fluent. Do not focus solely on textbooks however.
Online library by the Goethe Institute For additional reading material you can check the Onleihe of the Goethe Institute. Besides e-books you can also borrow films, audio books and magazines for a limited period of time.
Zimbabwe German Society Library You can contact the Librarian on: for links to e-resources

Let’s Practice German
15 ways to say “Thank You” in German

  1. Danke — Thank you / Thanks
  2. Danke schön / Danke sehr — Thank you kindly / Thank you very much
  3. Vielen Dank — Many thanks
  4. Tausend Dank — Thousand thanks (Essentially, this is the German equivalent of the English “thanks a million.”
  5. Ich bin dir dankbar — I’m thankful to you
  6. (Danke) sehr aufmerksam — (Thank you) That is very kind of you
  7. Danke, gleichfalls — Thank you, the same to you
  8. Ich möchte mich recht herzlich bedanken — I would like to thank you sincerely
  9. Vergelt’s Gott — May God reward you for it

How to Say you’re Welcome in German

  1. Bitte — You’re welcome
  2. Bitte schön / Bitte sehr — You’re very welcome
  3. Gern geschehen / Gerne — Done gladly
  4. Nichts zu danken — Nothing to thank for
  5. Kein Problem — No problem
  6. Dafür nicht / Nicht dafür — Not for that

Danke für’s Lesen! (Thank you for reading!)

Book review competition

The Library together with Weaver Press is offering a new and exciting competition for everyone who enjoys reading and writing: Entries to be sent to:

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